Monday, August 17, 2009

Weight Loss Journey-August 2009


August 13th marked my 8 month anniversary as a Weight Watcher and several goals have been met.

First of all, I have my regular 6 month check-up with my doctor coming up this week. For years every visit to him ended in the same way--"Matt, you know your family's history as well as I do--if you don't get your weight under control, you're going to have terrible health for the rest of your life." I would generally scoff at his judgment and hit Mr. Ghatti's pizza buffet on my way home--you know, because I was on that side of town...

Well, last time I went in for my 6 month check up was after 2 months as a Weight Watcher. I had lost over 40 pounds and was (for the first time in a long time) finally weighable on his scale that only went up to 350 lbs. I was so proud of myself and that fool didn't say anything about it! He didn't even bring it up. Ugh...

I left fuming and set a goal to have lost 150 pounds by the time of my next visit. Well that visit is coming up on the 19th and as of this past Saturday, I have lost 151.8 pounds!!!! If he ignores 150 pounds lost, I may just have to throw him out of the window!

Another goal reached this month has to do with the last time I was on Weight Watchers. As I mentioned in an earlier post, I used Weight Watchers as a DIET to lose a bunch of weight before my wedding back in 2005. I lost 109 pounds and got down to 247 lbs. Then I got cocky--I remember thinking, "I don't need to pay these people to weigh me! I've lost 109 pounds!"

As always, short term goals lead to short term success. I started to gain weight back immediately after I quit Weight Watchers. And I know that at this point, some bozo is going to use that last statement as an excuse to not change their life for the better--"See, you can lose all of that weight on Weight Watchers, but as soon as you stop following the plan, you'll gain it all back!"

Weight Watchers does not work long term as a diet. The beautiful thing, though, is that it is not intended to be a diet. Diets end. Lifestyles are forever. I failed to grasp that the first time around, but now I know it and live it every day! But I digress...

I got down to 247 and started to gain weight back immediately. Why is that significant? Well, I graduated high school back in 1999 weighing in at or around 250. So, it's official, with a weigh in this past Saturday at 241.4, I am now the lightest I have been since I was a senior in high school! That feels pretty good!

And finally, I cannot stop running. I started out in December, only able to do 2 minutes on a treadmill at 2.5 mph. I recently ran 7.5 miles in 1-1/2 hours!

Only 16.4 lbs to go to goal!!!

Weight Loss Journey--July 2009

It's bloggin' time again! Today marks my 7-month anniversary as a Weight Watcher. As of this past Saturday, I have lost 135 pounds exactly--from 393.2 to 258.2 lbs.
Other victories this month include:
* Running the entire Firecracker 5k in 35 min, 37 sec. When I started Weight Watchers, I tried to walk on a treadmill and couldn't last a minute. Now I regularly run for 45 minutes!!!
* I now wear an XL shirt (down from a 3-4XL)
* I'm also wearing a 36 in. waist (down from a 50 in. waist 7 months ago)

Weight Loss Journey--June 2009

Well, it's the 13th again, which means that it's time for my monthly weight-loss blog. But this 13th is special. Today is my 6 month Weight Watchers anniversary.On December 13, 2008 I wandered in to my first Weight Watchers meeting thinking I'd better start turning my life around before it was too late. I had no idea that morning how close to too late I'd actually gotten!
I weighed in at 393.2 pounds and felt about as embarassed, frustrated, and sick as I'd ever been. This morning I weighed in at 271.8 pounds for a total weight loss of 121.4 pounds and a total percentage weight loss just under 31%. My goal for this date was 120 lbs lost...but I'll take the 121.4 I'm sitting here thinking about how thankful I am for the Weight Watchers lifestyle. This is not an unsustainable diet that will help me lose weight for a time but a way of life that, should I choose to live it (moment by moment, decision by decision, day by day) will be a part of who I am for the rest of my days.
A few more victories this past month include:
* Not having to pay the extra $2 for extended sizes
* Coming in 5th place at Shreveport First's Faith Promise 5K (last year, I came in dead last)
* Wearing a shirt that I received for Christmas years ago and have been unable to wear!

Weight Loss Journey--May 2009

It's time for my monthly weight-loss journey update and I have another milestone to report. I have now lost over 100 pounds (108 to be exact).That's right! In a little under 5 months, I have gone from 393.2 lbs to 285.2 lbs...from a 50" waist to a 38" waist (as of last night)...and from NO energy to A LOT of energy.I still have 60.2 lbs to lose before I reach my goal of 225 and I have a plan--I'm going to lose one at a time and NEVER come back again!!!!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Weight Loss Journey March/April 2009


First of all, let me apologize. I know that I have missed my monthly blog for the past two months (March 13 & April 13). The reason I haven't kept you up to date via this blog is because I gave up using this stupid computer at home during the season of Lent. It's amazing how attached we become to these things over time. The break was a good one. I'd recommend it to anyone.
I was going to wait until May 13 to update you on my progress but I arrived at a bit of a milestone this morning at my weigh-in so I thought I'd share. I am no longer in the 300s!!! As of this morning, I have lost 94.4 lbs since December 13, bringing me down to 298.8.
Another great thing happened last night--I needed to buy new pants. For weeks now, I've been walking around, looking like a kid being forced to wear is big brother's hand-me-downs so I needed to buy some pants that fit. When I began this journey in December, I was wearing a 50" waist. Last night, I was able to purchase two pair of 40" pants and they fit perfectly!
I still have 73.8 lbs to go on my way to 225. I don't necessarily have a goal clothing size, so we'll see where that leads.
Throughout this process, I have come to realize that living in a rut is not really living at all. God has created us for so much and is inviting us to be a part of so much more than what we so often settle for. There are enough limitations on our lives that are beyond our control. It makes no sense to allow the things that we can control (weight, finances, attitudes, comfort, etc...) overwhelm the life that we could be living for Him...for others...for ourselves.

Weight Loss Journey February 2009

From 354.8-335

Well it's time for my monthly blog, documenting the weight loss journey that I began on December 13, 2008. Last time I posted (January 13, 2009), I was weighing in at 354.8 for a total loss of 38.4 during my first month on Weight Watchers.As of this morning, I am weighing in at 335 for a total weight loss of 58.2 in two months. And I feel GREAT!

Despite a month that really kept me more lethargic than I would have preferred to have been, I was still able to lose about 5 lbs a week.This week should hold two exciting events: On Monday I am planning on visiting several gyms in the area to see who can give the best deal for what I'm seeking. I probably won't join until my birthday (March 2) but want to be able to hit the ground running when that day comes around (so, if you're wondering about a gift...). Also, on Wednesday, I have my regularly scheduled 6 month general check up. Most of you will have no clue what this is about, but for the last few years, I have not been able to register on the Dr.'s scale (they only go up to 350). I am excited to finally be weighable by the medical community. I'm also interested to see how my blood work looks! I'll see many of you soon. I'll report to all of you next month. God bless.

Weight-Loss Journey January 2009

From 393.2--354.8

Let me be clear from the start--this is NOT my resolution for the new year. It's not that I have anything against such resolutions or those who make them. It is just that, in my personal history, resolutions for the new year are never intended to be kept...always intended to be broken, implicitly, from the very start.

This resolution has nothing to do with it no longer being 2008 and it finally being 2009. It has everything to do with my genuine fear that if I did not change my life drastically, I may not make it to see 2010. Here's my story:Anyone who knows me knows that I have struggled with my weight for most of my life. I have experienced drastic swings in weight (I lost 110 pounds in 1997...gained 150 back by early 2005...I lost 115 in 2005 and gained 150 back by late 2008). In '96 I lost the weight for football. In '05 I lost the weight for my wedding. As it turns out, I am able to remain incredibly focused when I have a goal looming over my head. But without such a goal, I all too easily fall off the wagon. I suppose this is part of the reason why I've never been successful with new year resolutions--eventually the new year becomes this year and the luster wears off.

Looking back, neither one of those weight-loss journeys were sustainable. I lost all of the weight in '96 during the summer between my freshman and sophomore years. At the heart of that loss was a strict diet and eight-plus-hour-a-day workouts. This worked fine for a high school kid without a job or other commitments but not for someone living in the real world.In 2005, I lost all of the weight via Weight Watchers--an incredible program with proven results-- but I only ate fat free hotdogs and Subway sandwhiches the entire time (my fault, not WW). As soon as the wedding was over, I said, "Pass the pizza." During that time, I learned how to lose weight on the system but failed to learn the healthy habits and choices that would lead to a healthy lifestyle. I also got prideful and figured that after losing so much weight on the program I didn't need to pay anyone to weigh me...I figured I could do it myself. Without that weekly accountability and community, it wasn't long before my weight and well-being became little more than an after thought and a twinge of guilt after one of my all-day-eat-fests.

A few months ago, I started to notice how terrible I felt ALL of the time. As a large person, I am familiar with being uncomfortable in my body at times but this was different--Constant pain...constant fatigue...constant cyclical hunger/binging/hunger. In all of my life as an overweight individual I have felt bad but never THAT bad. I knew something needed to be done. In early December, I decided to give Weight Watchers another go. Not the counting points and weighing myself at home version--the real deal, face the scale, and do this in community kind of weight watchers. And here's what I found:

The Awful Truth: On Saturday, December 13, 2009 I weighed in at 393.2 lbs. (the largest I have EVER been). Up to that day, I was having night sweats every night (every cause of night sweats is terrifying...especially for a 27 year old), I could no longer wear my wedding ring, none of my clothes fit properly, I was perpetually exhausted, often cranky, and selfish in all of the bad ways of being selfish.

The New Truth: Today, one month and a day later, I weigh in at 354.8 for a total weight loss of 38.4 lbs in 31 days. And I can already tell a major difference! I have not had one night sweat since December 12, 2008. I wear my wedding ring everyday now. I have already dropped a pant size. On Sunday, January 4th, I preached in a suit that hadn't fit properly since last June. I have a lot more energy (in fact, I need to wrap this up so that I can go put in an hour on the treadmill). I'm still probably a little cranky...And I'm finally selfish in all of the good ways of being selfish (taking care of myself first SO THAT I can take care of others).Oh, and I'm also staying ahead of the monotonous monster by setting a goal of preparing a new meal every week, an old favorite every week, and not allowing myself to eat the same meal more than twice in the same week. So far, there is nothing routine about this routine.

Much like with our debt-destroying journey throughout 2008, I will be blogging every month on my progress. My goal weight is 225, so there is a long way to go. But with the wonderful support and encouragement from my lovely bride, a great community like Weight Watchers, and the wonderful friends, family, and fellow-pilgrims at Shreveport First Church of the Nazarene I WILL see this journey through.So, forget about'09. Here's to being around for 2010!!!!

The Point Of It All

Back on December 13, 2008 I wandered into my first Weight Watchers meeting. I knew I had let things get out of hand but was not prepared to hear that I had ballooned up to 393.2 lbs (up from 247-ish at my wedding less than 3 years before). I was shocked...momentarily convinced that I had gone too far and there would be no turning back for me...

But then I had an epiphany. If I could let myself go that far...if I could push the envelope to the point where, as a 27 year old man, I was just shy of 400 lbs...why couldn't I push it in the other direction? I'd already proven I was extreme. Why not take it back the other way.

I wanted to document my journey, and so began the monthly blog. I started the blog on myspace in January and have updated it on or near the 13th of every month from then to now.

I have since started to use my myspace page only for this purpose, so I have decided to start a seperate blog page. What follows is that monthly myspace blog from January to July with all new entries to follow.

I hope you enjoy...I hope you're inspired...